The exhibition that will be opened on the 3rd of October is an emotional and a touching tribute to Ronnie Cutrone, extraordinary key player in the American New Pop Art, that passed away last July 20 in his house in Lake Peekskill (NY).
His artistic path of the last 30 years of his working career, will be reconstructed with a selection of forty paintings of large dimensions, all representative and of extreme importance. An excursion that will start with the prominent and popular flags that made him famous, the Cell Girls, the large canvases and quilts, the album covers, going through a range mixed of collage, neon's and large acrylic art works.
A unique exhibition of its type as well for the symbolic value of the exhibited works as for the very personal memory of an artist that has marked strongly the last decades of contemporary art and with his death leaves a permanent imprint and true “pop” message.
The show in fact is testimony of the cultural association that started in the Eighties between Ronnie Cutrone and Matteo Lorenzelli, that with time became a solid friendship as often is the case with gallery owners that participate to the life of the artists they represent. Also the title of the show shows the acquaintance of this friendly/business relationship. Matteo Lorenzelli explains that “Hey Ronnie…Hey Paloma..” was the phrase with whom he would make himself recognizable to the artist on his answering machine.
Lorenzelli Arte has always followed with enthusiasm the artistic path of Cutrone and in the years the gallery has organized numerous monographic shows, many of which were in Italian and foreign museums. Among the shows done in the gallery, besides the numerous group shows, we recall the three great personal exhibitions in 1995, 2003 and above all the last one, in 2010 "Pop, Off the Rack, By the Slice, Mix & Match", during which the artist excited the present audience with his stories and his remarkable personality: brilliant but always discrete.
Cutrone was one of the most extraordinary interpreters of the American New Pop Art and he was shaped in the most alive and stimulating environment of the New York culture: assistant to Andy Warhol from 1972 to 1980, the golden years of the Factory. He was testimony of the American season of Graffiti and the New Pop of the Eighties of which he had absorbed the explosive energy but above all, he had underlined some intuitions of Warhol among the relationship between artist and the contemporary society, using popular imaginary in order to analyze this imaginary critically.
A catalogue will be published especially for this show with texts of Luca Massimo Barbero, Elena Forin, Walter Guadagnini, Marco Livingstone, Matteo Lorenzelli, Michael McKenzie, Maurizio Medaglia, Robert Pincus-Witten, Ivan Quaroni, Maurizio Turchet, Alberto Zanchetta, which represent the history of Cutrone in Italy of the last decades accompanied by inedited photographic material and testimonial letters of Cutrone.
Ronnie Cutrone : hey ronnie...hey paloma...
Past exhibition