Make it new! Tomas Rajlich and abstraction in Italy

May 4th - August 22nd 2021

We're pleased to announce our collaboration with Museo d’arte contemporanea di Villa Croce, for the exhibition Make it new! Tomas Rajlich and abstraction in Italy, in Genoa, to which we contributed with four artworks: 


Alviani, Superficie a testura vibratile, alluminio satinato applicato su tavola, cm 40x40

Aricò, Senza Titolo, 1972 – 73, olio su tela, cm 73x 92 

Dadamaino, Volume a moduli sfasati, 1961 , plastica fustellata, cm 120x120 

Piero Dorazio, Fortitudo, 1959, olio su tela cm 50x100


4 maggio - 22 agosto 2021