Nel Nome di Dio Omnipotente.
Arti talismaniche, pratiche di scrittura sacra e protettiva dal nord della Nigeria 27 October 2021 - 22 January 2022 Lorenzelli Arte continues its recurring program of collateral initiatives promoted for this purpose to deepen themes and research related to contemporary art, but not unrelated to this marginal, to confirm the primary role of the gallery in the diffusion and comparison between cultures and for reaffirming the universality of art.... Read more -
From inside the Brera Academy 1 - 24 July 2021 Lorenzelli Arte, for the second consecutive year, accepts the invitation from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and confirms the collaboration with the prestigious Milanese institution, as a virtuous example of the relationship between public and private, with the exhibition of the works of its students in a new exhibition... Read more -
Metafisica del colore
Mario Nigro 18 March - 19 June 2021 Lorenzelli arte presenta la mostra Metafisica del Colore di Mario Nigro, grande esponente dell'astrattismo che nel secondo dopoguerra ha ideato nuovi linguaggi visivi aprendosi ad una prospettiva internazionale attraverso una continua analisi dei sistemi complessi della pittura. Read more