Salvatore Cuschera
Principle 28 October - 23 November 1999 Lorenzelli Arte insiste sulla scultura con una mostra dedicata ad un'artista giovane e di grande talento: Salvatore Cuschera. Una quarantina di opere in ferro pieno, di cui 12 di grandi dimensioni saranno esposte insieme a 35 lavori su carta nella sede della C.P Company di Milano.
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Episceni. Natalino Andolfatto
1 - 22 October 1999 Maestria febbrile/tattile - fare scultura in questi termini sembra anacronistico, data l'intenzione di invadere lo spazio attraverso il rito del lavoro per il lavoro. Read more -
Eduardo Chillida
Iurrak y gravitaciones 19 June - 24 July 1999 On the occasion of the inauguration of the new exhibition rooms, Lorenzelli Arte is presenting one of the great masters of our century, the Basque artist Eduardo Chillida, born in San Sebastian in 1924. In 1958 an outstanding international figure, Chillida, received the Gran Premio Internazionale della Scultura ( International... Read more -
Jon Groom
Reference paintings 1999 22 April - 20 May 1999 Relationships, references, rapports. Everything starts from the search for what runs between rule and feeling. One seeks or one finds, it is not transcendental, the parallel with simplicity, the fullness of the colour of Byzantine Art, the spiritual search itself through consolidated rites and through mystical meditation. A propensity towards... Read more -
Arte Sufi tra Oriente e Occidente
Franco Battiato e Gabriele Mandel 14 - 21 April 1999 Lorenzelli Arte è lieta di presentare la mostra 'Arte Sufi tra Oriente e Occidente', con opere di Franco Battiato e Gabriele Mandel. 'L'Ottocento orientalista si inebriava delle essenze di un Oriente immaginario, il nocciolo esoterico delle avanguardie storiche tradite verteva sulla compenetrazione con l'altro e la delirante coazione a ripetere... Read more -
Karel Appel
12 March - 12 April 1999 Lorenzelli Arte presenta una mostra dedicata a Karel Appel, con opere dagli anni '60 agli anni '90. Read more -
Carlo Nangeroni
Discreet continuity 5 February - 3 March 1999 On February 4th Lorenzelli Arte will inaugurate an exhibition dedicated to Carlo Nangeroni, an artist who has now collaborated with this gallery for 30 years. On view in the two rooms there will be an exhibition of about thirty works painted in the ‘90s, among which a triptych 5 meters... Read more -
Victor Pasmore
10 December 1998 - 30 January 1999 ART AS A FUNCTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Victor Pasmore In Gothic Art there was an opposing duality in its content. The beautiful vaults of the Cathedral and the songs of Ave Maria were countered by the spectre of Satan hidden behind the terrible image of the Crucifixion and is call... Read more